Canadian Hemp Protein Powder and Flour
Canadian Hemp Protein Powder and Flour is a 100% plant-based alternative to whey protein for people who participate in sports, as well as an irreplaceable source of protein for vegans and those who eat raw foods.
The advantages of using Canadian Hemp and Protein Flour include:
- The smooth, velvety texture
Contributes to the growth and preservation of muscle mass, maintenance of normal bones and normal blood pressure
Low in sugar, very low in sodium/salt, and high in fibre, protein, vitamin D, vitamin E, and is a source of omega-3 fatty acids as well as being high in unsaturated fat - Contains 50-60% hemp protein
- Hemp flour is a flavourful alternative for people with dietary sensitivities
Canadian Hemp Protein Powder and Flour is suitable for use in sports nutrition, vegan health, baked goods cereal bars
and snacks. It has been certified non-GMO, gluten-free and kosher.
Categories: baked good, cereal, snacks, Sports Nutrition, vegan health
Sector 1:Food & Beverage