The benefits of Astragalus extract 10-1 for aiding the immune system is well known, especially as part of Chinese herbal medicine, where it is used to strengthen the immune system. The part of the astragalus herb used to make tinctures is the root. Astragalus root extract is commonly used in Chinese herbal remedies, and these are excellent tonics to create an increase in your energy levels. It is known to increase the white blood cell count, and stimulate the growth of antibodies and create a resistance to both viruses and bacteria. This herb may be combined with other immune boosting herbs for adrenal gland fatigue treatment.
Alternate Name: Astragalus membranaceus
Health Benefits: Immune system, Energy increase, Antioxidant
Supporting Link(s):https://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/herb/astragalus