BARLEY JUICE is collected from the plant, Hordeum vulgare. It has wide range of therapeutic activities. It is used to induce abortion and is used for the treatment of ancyclostomiasis, high blood pressure, respiratory tract infections, cataract, cholera, common cold, diabetes, syphilis, schistosomiasis, influenza. It is used to reduce cholesterol and sugar level. Moreover, it is also used in many skin disorders like boils, dermatitis, erysipelas and also in gastrointestinal disorders like dysentery, diarrhea, stomachache, inflammatory bowel symptoms, infected ulcers. It is also used as an anti-inflammatory agent in renal, intranasal, bladder inflammation and has hepatoprotective activity which helps to treat hepatitis and jaundice.
Alternate Name: Hordeum vulgare
Health Benefits: Anti-infective Agent, Anti-inflammatory, Hepatoprotective, Gastrointestinal disorders
Supporting Link(s):https://www.idosi.org/aejaes/jaes12(7)12/1.pdf