GLYCINE BP is categorized as an amino acid which is a white and crystalline powder. It is nonessential acid and improves glycogen storage which in turn helps in the synthesis of collagen, hemoglobin and glutathione. It helps ameliorating high blood fat as well as improves uric acid levels. In foods, it is used in pet food and animal feed. It acts as a sweetener and enhances taste. It is also used in many food supplements as well as in protein drinks. Moreover, it is used in drugs formulations and improves gastric drug absorption.
CAS - Nr:56-40-6
Health Benefits: Collagen, Hemoglobin and Glutathione Synthesis, Reduces Blood Fat, Sweetener
Supporting Link(s):https://www.unitedfoodscorp.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&catid=4%3Amenu-subcontent&id=76%3Aglycine&Itemid=34