RICE SYRUP is an alternative to artificial sweeteners as well as refined sugar. Rice syrup is made by fermentation which led to break down of starch in the grains and then the liquid is separated and heated until it reaches the required consistency. As, it has low glycemic index and contains maltose, soluble complex carbohydrates, so it does not cause adverse effects on bloodstream compared to other sweeteners. Moreover, it contains small amount of glucose which is readily absorbed into the bloodstream but the high amount of maltose and soluble complex carbohydrates absorption takes 1.5-3 hours which results in a more consistent blood sugar level.
CAS - Nr:8002-48-0
Health Benefits: Sweetener, Low glycemic index, Maintains consistent blood sugar level
Supporting Link(s):https://www.livestrong.com/article/474520-the-effects-of-brown-rice-syrup-on-blood-sugar/