SCHIZANDRA EXTRACT 4-1 is achieved from the plant Schizandra chinensis which is used against asthenia, neurosis, astheno-depressive states, psychogenic depression, schizophrenia, impaired visual function, cardiotonic disorders, and hypotension. It is also used to treat influenza, chronic otitis, sinusitis and neuritis. It acts as a potent antioxidant and restorative giving improved mental performance and working capacity, increased endurance. It affects release of arachidonic acid, leukotriene biosynthesis in leukocytes and activity of platelet activating factor, heat shock protein and polyamines formation, consumption of oxygen and tissue respiration. It is effective against allergic dermatitis, gastric hyper- and hypo-secretion, stomach as well as duodenal ulcers, chronic gastritis, pneumonia and otosclerosis.
Alternate Name: Schizandra chinensis
Health Benefits: Asthenia, Neurosis, Depression, Schizophrenia, Impaired visual function, Ulcers, Gastritis
Supporting Link(s):https://www.drugs.com/npp/schisandra.html